Independence Day got off with a bang in St. Paul! The raising of the flag, which is probably an annual event in most areas, brought veterans and others to Holy Family Residence. At 10:00 AM 1st Lieutenant (Civil Air Patrol) Daniel A. Kuch began the ceremony with a call to attention on his l941 bugle while the VFW Post No. 7555 and American Legion Post No. 542 saluted with the“Attention to Colors” in the front parking lot. The American Flag was then raised on high after which we were led in the “Pledge of Allegiance” by our very own American Legion member and Resident, Ted Carlson. “God Bless America” was sung by all present, and then the veterans present performed the Rifle Volley and saluted the Flag with an 18-gun salute; there were 6 riflemen, and they fired off 3 rounds. After the 18-gun salute, we were given the spent casings to pass on to our Residents who served in the Armed Forces. We closed the ceremony with Taps which was also played by 1st Lieutenant Daniel A. Kuch.
The traditional Independence Day music and the presence of our veterans brought tears to the eyes of many of our Residents and guests. “This is our Great Country,” one was overheard saying, “and we will always be proud to be an American.” Others commented on the presence of the veterans who volunteered their time to be with us in the scorching heat of the day. As we departed, back into the air-conditioned home, the vets informed us they were going on to perform at other areas to salute America and remind people of our heritage.