First Style Show Ever
The committee of Anna Mae (Hogan) Marshall, Mary Edel-Joyce and Dolly Kenney along with other members of the Holy Family Guild set out to make a killing on the very first Style Show held as a fundraiser for the Little Sisters of the Poor (Holy Family Residence). Their goal was to have 70-75 people in attendance, however, they tipped the scales as the ticket sales kept coming in. The final count was 170 in attendance, others having their money returned due to a sell-out. Everyone was amazed, and so very happy.
The show was held on Saturday, September 21st. at the Pool and Yacht Club and Chico’s Dress Store was on hand with the fashions being shown. Dinner of breast of chicken with a scrumptious strawberry topped cake was served as the models began strolling through the restaurant modeling the clothing. Some of the models were Guild members while others were Residents at Holy Family Residence. Each model presented a lovely outfit giving those at the luncheon a detailed description of the outfit. The show stopper was our 102 year old Cecilia Welsch and her daughter Corrine whose outfits were simply delightful. Just knowing Cecilia’s age and watching her move through the restaurant in her outfit made everyone sigh.
There were also door prizes from various stores – clothing, restaurants, florists, etc. Chico’s offered a 30% discount to anyone who visited the store within the next 3 days of the event. Go for it girls! Everyone enjoyed the show and the food. We are all looking forward to next year, when, we hope, the Style Show will grow in numbers.