O Jesus strengthen me in all my pain, frustrations, betrayals. I silently scream at the torture and humiliation that I feel. I do not ask why me? Now I know the horror of sin and the consequences that made you die a death worse that any animal ever died. It was my sins and utter disregard and refusal for your love. Please, forgive me my Jesus. O Mary my beautiful eternal Mother of God! Forgive me for all the untold pain that I have caused you by my sins.
Jesus I trust in You! Give me the grace to stay away from any sin that may displease you and make God to weep.
Please give me all the grace I need for my salvation and that of the world. My eternal Mother please ask your Divine Son for all the graces I need to persevere and really grow in holiness and God’s eternal love. God created me to know, love, and serve Him.
God, please give what I beg for, to be God’s saint for all eternity.
Your unworthy servant,
Michael (a Resident)
Passion of Christ