Thank you, Rose!
Two weeks ago we said goodbye and happy retirement to Rose Davis. Rose joined our family in 1974 following her completion of nursing school. At that time, the Little Sisters were in the process of combining the Minneapolis and St. Paul Homes and Rose thought that she would stay long enough to see that merge completed. That was 44 years ago! Either our move took a really long time or Rose found a home herself, working the night shift on the 2nd floor her entire career.
As we celebrate 150 years of service in the United States., Mother Maria reminded everyone that Rose carries with her bit of our local history – Rose remembers the nervous excitement of combining the Minneapolis and St. Paul Homes in 1977. Everything was new, not just the building itself but the style of Resident rooms were drastically different. The original Homes were built with separate wards for women and men, six to eight to a room with the bathrooms down the hall. In the new building the Resident rooms were double and single rooms and all had a bathroom. A big change for everyone!
When asked what has kept her here all these years, she remarked that “the Sisters are always here. They are here for the Residents and their families and they are here for the staff. It is a true family atmosphere with the focus and goal not for profit but for the care of the Residents. The quality of that care is reflected back by the appreciation of the Residents’ families for the care and attention given to their loved ones.”
Thank you, Rose! We will miss you!
Thank you, Rose!