The well-known children’s Christmas story from the 1920’s, The Littlest Angel written by Charles Tazewell, tells the story of a young child who arrives in heaven and presents his precious earthly gifts to the Christ Child.
Holy Family Residence is very fortunate to have its own little angel, Ethan, age six, who often comes to the Little Sisters of the Poor St. Paul with his Nanny, Agnieszka, a volunteer at our Home. Young Ethan, according to his Father, wanted to come for Christmas to bring his envelope of bills and coins totaling about $11.00 that he had saved to donate to the poor. He, like the Littlest Angel in the story, has learned at an early age the importance of sharing what we have with others. Thank you, Ethan, for your very special act of kindness to the Little Sisters which helps us to carry out our mission of serving our elderly Residents. God Bless You. You are, indeed, our “Littlest Angel!”
The Littlest Angel of Holy Family Residence