“The Magi set out because of a deep desire which prompted them to leave everything and begin a journey. It was as though they had always been waiting for that star.” (Pope Benedict XV1)
Sisters, Residents, family and friends came together on the joyous Feast of the Epiphany to celebrate the Magi who came before the Lord bearing gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. We were especially privileged to have Archbishop Emeritus, Harry Flynn to celebrate the Mass with us. Archbishop Flynn stressed that on this day, the Feast of the Manifestation of Jesus Christ, we should celebrate this wonderful event every day in our lives and in our minds. Simple acts of kindness and honesty allow others to see Jesus Christ in us. A smile, a kind word or a gesture of love present a manifestation of Christ.
After Communion, Archbishop Flynn and Mother Theresa were pleased to present blessed medals to new Residents to welcome them into the Holy Family Association. Archbishop noted that this Home as well as all the Homes around the world are spiritual powerhouses, certainly modeling the manifestation of Jesus Christ every day.
We, too, can follow His star